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Old Wives Tales

Fish only grow to the size of their aquarium – NOT!  The size of your aquarium will influence the growth of your new pets, but it won’t stop them.  Fish will grow to the level that their surroundings allow; how clean the water is, the amount of available food and the oxygen level of the water are the key components to how big your fish grow.  The oxygen level will deplete faster and the waste will build up quicker in a small aquarium; especially with larger fish, leading to potentially hazardous conditions for your fish.  The chronic lack of oxygen and higher waste levels will weaken your fishes immune system, impair its ability to grow and greatly reduce its lifespan.
When you come down to buy a new fish always ask how big it should get and if your aquarium is sized properly for it; and try not to be upset if we say “No”, we’re only doing it to protect the fish and make sure you don’t run into problems down the road.

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