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Halloween Sale!

Come Down To Aquarium Illusions This Weekend For Some Spooktacular Savings!

Green Bubble Tip Anemones - 40% Off

All Creepy Crawlies (Invert Clean up Crews) - 15% Off

Aqua Euro Metal Halide and Power Compact Light Fixtures - Clear Out Prices!

Don't Forget To Check Out the New Coral Shipment While Your Down!

Hippopus clams are coming November 4th!

We've has lots of requests for clams lately, so Shaun has managed to secure us an order of Hippopus Clams!

Hippopus' (Bear's Paw) Clam's are one of the easiest to keep. They are large, easy to acclimate, require less lighting than Crocea or Maxima Clam's, but still have fantastic colours!
Our supply is limited, so we'll be taking pre orders all this week. Contact the store if you're interested.


New Fish and Inverts Coming Thursday!

We just got the flight confirmations, our latest fish and invert order will be here Thursday afternoon!
Flame Angels, Swallowtail Angels, Naso Tangs, Convict Tangs, Matted Filefish, Longhorn Cowfish and so much more!


Need salt? Our H2Oceanpro pails are in!

For everyone waiting for 150 gallon mix of Deltec's H2Oceanpro salt we just finished offloading the truck!
Plus we just received Deltec coral epoxy, Geisseman T5 bulbs and Ecoxotic Stunner Strips in actinic and 8k/actinic mix!

New Orders In!

Aquarium Illusions Is Fully stocked again with ATI and KZ HO T5 Bulbs!

Also back in stock - The New Ecoxotic LED Stunner Strips!
   - We have blue and 50/50 available!


Gift Certificates are Now Available!

Looking for a special Trick or Treat for your fishkeeping friends?  Don't know what to get your favorite reefer for the holidays?

Gift Certificates are an excellent way to surprise your aquarium keeping friends!  Now available in $25, $50, $100, $200 and $500 denominations!  Ask one of our associates for yours!


All new invert order Oct 22!

In addition to our fish yesterday, Shaun was here late last night with a new Cebu Invert order!

Here's what we got:

Bluelined Sand Snails
Green Sea Hares
Feather Duster Worms
Nerite Snails
Pearl Oysters
Tectus Snails
Turbo Snails
Scarlet Hermits
Blue Bryopsis Shrimp
Ghost Arrow Crabs
Heliofungia Shrimp pairs
Green BTA's
Rose BTA's
Gigantea Anemones
Basket Stars
Blue Sea Squirts

Our next coral shipment is booked for October 28th!


Puplic Service Worker Discount!!

Public Service Worker Discount!!

We are proud to offer a everyday discount to Members of the following services!


Fire Dept.



Will Receive 10% off everyday! Just bring in your ID!

Lots of new Livestock coming October 21st!

Here's what's booked to arrive tomorrow:

Coral Beauty Angels
Flame Angels
Venustus Angels
Evansi Anthias
Orange Spotted Blennies
Sailfin Blennies
Black Zoster Butterflies
Copperband Butterflies
Bangai Cardinals
Green Spotted Mandarins
Blue Psychedelic Mandarins
Hector's Gobies
Black Cap Jawfish
Pearly Jawfish
Achilles Tang
Powder Brown Tangs
Regal Tangs
Red Velvet Wrasse
Solarensis Wrasse
Yellow Coris Wrasse
McCosker's Wrasse
Black Leopard Wrasse

Pom Pom Crabs
Emerald Crabs
Sally Lightfoot Crabs
Arrow Crabs
Red Tip Hermits
Scarlet Hermits
Sea Hares
Trochus Snails
Red Banded Pistol Shrimp
Blood Cleaner Shrimp
Whitespot Anemone Shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
Sexy Shrimp
Sand Stars
Feather Stars
Purple Linkia Stars
Peach Nardoa Stars


New Lights, Heaters, Ornaments, Stands, and a whole lot more!

If you missed the activity of the day we've had truckloads of new products arriving all day!
Here's just some of the highlights from today:

Marineland LED Lighting
Stealth Pro Heaters
Allglass Oak Cabinetry
Rena XP Filters
Red Sea Stainless Steel Tongs
Red Belly Pirhana
Over 2 dozen new freshwater plants
Plus loads more!


New Live Stock!!

We're still unpacking, but here's what we we've got today!

Coral Beauty Angels

Flame Angels

Keyhole Angels

Juv. Queen Angels

Juv. Koran Angels

Bartlett's Anthias

Squareblock Anthias - Males and Females

Sunburst Anthias

Orange Spotted Blennies

Lawnmower Blennies

Tailspot Blennies

Copperband Butterflies

Longnose Butterflies

Yellow Pyramid Butterflies

Heniochus Accuminatus

Longspine Cardinal

Green Chromis

Insolatus Chromis

Green Spotted Mandarins

Psychedellic Mandarins

Scooter Blennies

Red Scooter Blennies

Matted Filefish

Rainford's Gobies

Sleeper Gobies

Yellow Watchman Gobies

Black and Yellow Clown Gobies

Purple Firefish

Twinspot Gobies

Yashe Hase Gobies

Tiger Wardii Gobies

Zebra Bar Gobies

Goldenhead Sleeper Gobies

Longnose Hawkfish

Valentini Puffers

Powder Brown Tangs

Naso Tangs

Blonde Naso Tangs

Regal Blue Tangs

Sailfin Tangs

Clown Triggers

Niger Triggers

Bluethroat Triggers

Yellow Coris Triggers

Cleaner Wrasse

Leopard Wrasse

Sixline Wrasse

Green Bubbletip Anemones

Long Tentacle Anemones

Decorator Crabs

Pom Pom Crabs

Emerald Crabs

Porcelain Crabs

Sally Lightfoot Crabs

Arrow Crabs

Tricolour Hermits

Scarlet Hermits

Debelius Lobster

Spiny Blue Lobster

Blue Velvet Nudibranchs

Nassarius Snails

Trochus Snails

Turbo Snails

Red Banded Pistol Shrimp

Harlequin Shrimp

Fire Shrimp

Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

Sand Stars

Fromia Stars

Purple Linkia

Blue Linkia


New Additives and Lighting Order

New Hydor Aqua Color Under Water Light!

Also New To Aquarium Illusions
- Next Reef MR1 Media Reactor

Back in stock!

Purple Up
Prime (All Sizes)
Seachem Additives
EcoBak ULNS Pellets
Koralia Power Heads


Aquaticlife T5 Shipment is in!

We've had lots of folks looking for new T5 fixtures this week, so we just brought in a HUGE Aquaticlife T5 order; including the 48" 6 Bulb!
Plus we've got more JBJ LED Nano Cubes, Marc Weiss Reef Bugs, Two Little Fishes Revive and tonnes more!


New Live Stock Shipment Arriving This After Noon!

Just Though The Door!

Lemon Peel Angels

Lamarck Angel - Females

Rock Beauty Angels

Asfur Angels

Juv. Imperator Angels

Orange Lyretail Anthias - Females

Red Lyretail Anthias - Males

Royal Grammas

Double Saddle Butterflies

Pearlscale Butterflies

Racoon Butterflies

Yellow Zoster Butterflies

Striped Cardinals

Pyjama Cardinals

Green Chromis


Snowflake Moray Eel

Matted Filefish

Purple Firefish

Marine Betta

Volitan Lionfish

Valentini Puffers


Atlantic Blue Tangs

Tomini Tangs

Yellow Eye Kole Tangs

Naso Tangs

Pinktail Triggers

Bluethroat Triggers

Juv. Harlequin Tuskfish

Lubbock's Wrasse

Bluesided Fairy Wrasse

Sixline Wrasse

Long Tentacle Anemones

Dwarf Lobsters

Blue Velvet Nudibranchs

Flame Scallops

Turbo Snails

Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

Pencil Urchins

Weekend Store Hours!

New Weekend Store Hours!

Sunday Has Changed for the Cooler Season,We Will be Open From 12 - 5 On Sundays!

This Monday Only For the Thanksgiving Holiday We Will Be open from 12 - 5.

Regular Store Hours are as Follows:

Sunday 12 - 5
Monday 10 - 6
Tuesday 10 - 6
Wednesday 10 - 8
Thursday 10 - 8
Friday 10 - 8
Saturday 10 - 6

Have a Great Weekend!


Home Show!

Thanks To Everyone Who Made It out the the Show!

For Those Who Didn't Here are a couple Pics For You to Check Out!

That Carpet Anemone Looks Sweet Under Those LED's!

New Dry Goods Shipments!

Back in Stock!

- Tongs
- Purple Coral Glue
- Kick Ich
- All Magnavore Algae Magnets

Fully Stocked on Hagen!

- Test kits
- Filters
- Filter Media
- Betta Kits
- San Fransisco Bay Frozen Food
- Gravel

Our latest Livestock Shipment - September 30

This just in:

Coral Beauty Angel

Flame Angel

Lyretail Anthias

Sunburst Anthias

Engelhard Anthias

Royal Gramma

Black Sailfin Blenny

Orangespot Sailfin Blenny

Lawnmower Blenny

Tailspot Blenny

Racoon Butterfly

Copperband Butterfly

Heniochus Acuminatus

Bangaii Cardinal

Green Chromis

Azure Damsel

Kupang Damsel

Target Mandarin

Scooter Blenny

Red Scooter Blenny

Matted Filefish

Sleeper Goby

Yellow Watchman Goby

Green Clown Goby


Purple Firefish

Randall's Jawfish

Bluespot Jawfish

Dusky Jawfish

Red Band Goby

Yasa Hase Goby

Tiger Wardi Goby

Goldenhead Sleeper Goby


Achilles Tang

Powderblue Tang

Yellow Eye Kole Tang

Naso Tang

Regal Tang

Sailfin Tang

Red Velvet Wrasse

Yellow Coris Wrasse

Cleaner Wrasse

Filamented Flasher Wrasse

McCosker's Wrasse

Sixline Wrasse

Sebae Anemone

Doreensis Anemone

Emerald Crab

Porcelain Crab

Arrow Crab

Tricolour Hermit

Mexican Redleg Hermit

Astrea Snail

Trochus Snail

Pistol Shrimp

Cleaner Shrimp

Peppermint Shrimp

Anemone Shrimp

Sexy Shrimp

Fromia Star

Linkia Star