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When Do I Need to Change My Aquarium Bulbs - Learn Timeline For Changing Your Aquarium Bulb

If my aquarium light bulbs are still working, do I need to change them? The answer is Yes, change your bulbs! As bulbs age, the lighting spectrum shifts from blue to red. Red wavelength light will increase the growth of algae in an aquarium and provides less of the energy corals need to grow.
Why do you need to Change your Aquarium Bulbs:
Even though your bulbs are still turning on and may not look any different to you, rest assured, your aquarium inhabitants can certainly tell the difference. As your bulbs age, they lose their color spectrum and intensity. If you neglect to change them, you will start to witness unwanted algae growth and failing coral, invertebrate, or plant health.
When do you need to Change your Aquarium Bulbs:
Different types of bulbs maintain their spectrum and intensity for various periods of time. Use this timeline as a guide for changing your bulbs.
Normal output fluorescent including NO T5, T8, and T10 - need replacing every 4 to 6 months.
High output fluorescent including HO T5, VHO T5, VHO T12, and Power Compacts - need replacing every 8 to12 months.
Metal Halide Bulbs including Double end and Single end need replacing every 10 to 14 months.
There is a range for the change timeline because of the variances on how long the aquarium bulb may run each day Ie: 8 hours a day, 10 hours a day, etc)
How do you Change your Aquarium Bulbs:
If you have multiple bulbs in your fixture, you should change out old bulbs slowly. Replace a couple bulbs every two weeks until they are all replaced. This is done so that you do not shock the live stock in your tank with the new greater intensity bulbs. You may need to do it over a longer period of time if the live stock are showing stress or if your bulbs were way past due for changing.

It is important to keep up on these important maintenance items in order to keep your aquarium at its best.

Aquarium Illusions can help you learn timeline for changing your aquarium bulbs and other important aquarium advice.

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