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New Clams are In!

Shaun is jut finishing unpacking the boxes on our newest clam shipment!

We've got:
Black with White Spot Maxima's
Ultra grade Crocea
Ultra grade Maxima
Hippo Clams!

We pulled a few fish with this one as well, so we also got in:

Regal Angels
Fuzzy Dwarf Lions
Leopard Wrasse
Clown Tangs
Convicet Tangs
Mimic Tangs


Todays new livestock!

Here's what's come so far today!

Coral Beauty Angels

Flame Angels
Purple Anthias
Ventralis Anthias
Royal Grammas
Bicolour Blennies
Sailfin Blennies
Tailspt Blennies
Copperband Butterflies
Zoster's Butterflies
Pyramid Butterflies
Green Chromis
Azue Damsels
Rainfords Gobies
Yellow Watchman Gobies
Dusky Jawfish
Goldenhead Sleeper Gobies
Regal Tangs
Sailfin Tangs
Yellow Tangs
Orangeback Fairy Wrasse
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Carpenter's Wrasse
Filamented Flasher Wrasse
Long Tentacle Anemones
Emerald Crabs
Sally Lightfoot Crabs
Blue Hermits
Nassarius Snails
Turbo Snails
Fire Shrimp
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Sand Sifting Stars
Fromia Stars
Orange Linkia

Our Indo Wild Corals are booked to be here for Sunday!

Our ORA order just landed!  So we've got lots of clowns as well!


Large Order Has Arrived!

Large Order Has Arrived!

Back in Stock!
- Remora Skimmers
- Aquaticlife Lighting
- Hydor Theo Heaters and Koralia Power heads
- JBJ In Tank UV Sterilizers
- Python Gravel Vacs
- Seachem Water Additives
- Filter Socks


Santas Anonymous Donations!

In case you missed out on your chance to donate last year, Aquarium Illusions is proudly accepting donations again this year for 630 CHED's Santas Anonymous!  Bring your new, unwrapped toy down to the store before December 11th and we'll happily transport them to the main donation station for you.  Let's make this Christmas memorable for all the children in our city.  For toy ideas or more information on the program follow this link

Wednesday November 10th is Club Member Day!

Save 15% on all regular priced items if you're an Aquarium Illusions Club Member!
We've got lots of new corals, marine fish, a huge new order of freshwater fish and lots of new products for you to come check out!


Holiday Hours

Just a quick reminder to everyone that we will be open 12 - 5pm on Thursday November 11th in honour of Remembrance Day.

New Products at Aquarium Illusions!

We've had enough customers ask that we've extended our product lines to include:

Instant Ocean Salt Pails
Red Sea Skimmers
API Medications
Marineland LED Lighting

If there's a product you'd like to see in our store let us know and we'll see what we can do!


Our Clams are In!

Chris is in the process of acclimating our Hippo and Derasa Clams right now!
Our new cultured Bali Acros, Leathers, Euphyllias and Sea Whips are already in the tanks and ready to go!


Bali Cultured Corals and Clams Confirmed!

Our Hippo and Derasa Clams and our Bali Cultured Coral order have been confirmed for Friday morning!
27 Species of Acro!
3 Species of Monti!
Pocillopora, Seriatopora, Nephthea, Euphyllia and Sarcophytons!

New Fish and Inverts Are In!

Here's what we've received so far today!

Flame Angels
Bicolour Angels
Coral Beauty Angels
Purple Pygmy Anthias
Female Bartlett's Anthias
Evansi Anthias
Male and Female Square Block Anthias
Royal Gramma's
Barnacle Blennies
Black Sailfin Blennies
Copperband Butterflies
Yellow Pyramid Butterflies
Red Spot Cardinals
Green Chromis
Azure Damsels
Yellow Tail Damsels
Starcki Damsels
Psychedelic Mandarins
Greenspot Mandarins
Red Scooters
Snowflake Moray's
Matted Filefish
Sleeper Gobies
Yellow Watchmen Gobies
Green Band Gobies
Randal's Jawfish
Dusky Jawfish
Bluespot Jawfish
Twinspot Gobies
Yasa Hasha Gobies
Tiger Wardi Gobies
Goldenhead Sleeper Gobies
Volitan Lionfish
Powder Blue Tangs
Regal Tangs
Sailfin Tangs
Scopas Tangs
Coris Wrasse
Filamented Flasher Wrasse
Long Tentacle Anemones
Pom Pom Crabs
Emerald Crabs
Sally Lightfoot Crabs
Feather Dusters
Turbo Snails
Pistol Shrimp
Fire Shrimp
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Red Basket Stars
Purple Linkia
Orange Linkia
Peach Tip Nardoa Stars

Our Red Sea Fish and Seahorses are booked to arrive tonight!


Reef Culture Live Rotifers and Phytoplankton Arrived Today!

Our shipment of LIVE Nannochloropsus, Tetraselmis and Rotifers arrived this morning from Reef Culture Live Aquarium Foods!

Live foods are the best way to keep your corals healthy!  Get it while it's fresh!


Coming Thursday November 4th!

Here's what's booked for this week!

Sri Lanka Fish, Invert and Reidi Seahorses
Bali Cultured SPS and Euphylia
Hippo and Derasa Clams

Shipments will be coming in all day Thursday!


Foods and vitamins

It is always important to alternate the things you are feeding to ensure your fish are getting a balanced diet. There are many great quality foods and vitamins on the market to help your fish remain in optimal health. ( Eg. PE mysis shrimp, omega and algae enhanced brine shrimp, vita chem and selcon to name a few) Regular brine shrimp without any enhancements isn't very nutritious ( comparable to us eating fast food every day) and should be left for a treat only.There are also many foods out there that can great colour enhancers ( cyclopeeze, fish solution) Making sure your fish are getting everything they need will ensure a long life and great coloration.