For everyone looking for frozen cube packs, we just got in our order of Ocean Nutrition Frozen Fish Foods!
We've got: Prime Reef, Formula 1 and 2, Angel Formula, Pygmy Angel Formula, Shark Formula and Variety Packs!
Supplies are limted - don't miss out!
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New Koi have arrived!
Our latest shipment of "AA" koi are in! We've got 50 new 3" and 6" available starting at only $9.99! Even with the rain this weekend they won't last long, hurry down for the best selection!
We'll be bringing in more Choice Grade this week, so if there's a size or colour you're after just let us know and we'll bring it in for you!
We'll be bringing in more Choice Grade this week, so if there's a size or colour you're after just let us know and we'll bring it in for you!
New Fish and Inverts are in!
The title says it all, we've got new fish and inverts! Two shipments have come in since last night, far too many to list, but here's the highlights:
Kole Tangs
Mimic Tangs
Powder Blue Tangs
Achilles Tangs
Colini Pygmy Angels
Coral Beauty Angels
Flame Angels
Tuka Anthias
Carpenter's Wrasse
Sixline Wrasse
and lots more!
Plus we've got:
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Fire Cleaner Shrimp
Sexy Shrimp
Porcelain Crabs
Sea Hare Nudibranchs
Mexican Turbo Snails
Strawberry Top Snails and more!
Kole Tangs
Mimic Tangs
Powder Blue Tangs
Achilles Tangs
Colini Pygmy Angels
Coral Beauty Angels
Flame Angels
Tuka Anthias
Carpenter's Wrasse
Sixline Wrasse
and lots more!
Plus we've got:
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Fire Cleaner Shrimp
Sexy Shrimp
Porcelain Crabs
Sea Hare Nudibranchs
Mexican Turbo Snails
Strawberry Top Snails and more!
AI Club Member Special
For all our 2010 Aquarium Illusions Club Members we've got a special jut for you!
All this weekend Piscine Energetics Mysis is Buy Two Get One Free!
That's right, Buy any two packages of PE Mysis at regular price and we'll give you a third of the same size for FREE!
This offer is exclusive to our AI Club Members, special ends at closing May 30th!
All this weekend Piscine Energetics Mysis is Buy Two Get One Free!
That's right, Buy any two packages of PE Mysis at regular price and we'll give you a third of the same size for FREE!
This offer is exclusive to our AI Club Members, special ends at closing May 30th!
Through the Microscope with Chris Wohl (AI Staffer)
What EVER is that Dragonet up to?
(and talking about nomenclature)
Scooter ‘Blennies’... Mandarin ‘Gobies’... commonly occurring names in our hobby. These scooters and mandarin’s belong to a family of fish called Dragonets. They are neither Goby (Family Gobiidae) nor Blenny (Suborder Blennioidae) , and belong to the family Callionymidae. Though they should be referred to as Scooter and/or Mandarin Dragonets, we often use the ‘common’ names to describe them. It is however important to recognize them as part of a different taxon because of their different diets and lifestyles.
So during the day, Captain Dragonet is motoring around the tank, apparently ‘pecking’ or ‘kissing’ the rocks and surfaces in the tank. What on earth is he doing? Many of the dragonets we keep in the hobby (such as the blue/green mandarin, or the Red Scooter ‘blenny’) are carnivorous ‘pod’ consumers. Typically they are eating little critters called ‘Copepods’, one of the largest biomass (and yet smallest in physical size) of animals in the world! Most of the critters your fish are eating are adult copepods of many different types... their sizes ranging from 0.1mm in length to 2mm. This is what your fish is normally eating when it appears they are not really catching anything. These critters are often visible to the trained or attentive eye, and will be much easier to spot in an un-frequented region of the aquarium or in something like a refugium. Keeping a healthy (and plentiful) population of pods alive in your aquarium is important for your fish. Refugiums (without fish, and with lots of plants) with low flow rates will help ‘farm’ pods for your fishy, and since it can be a significant part of their diet, dosing phytoplankton into the aquarium will also ‘feed’ these critters (while benefiting your corals and other filter feeders as well). Curious one day about what was in my tank, I took a few pod samples to the biology lab and inspected them under the microscope. Here are some pictures of them, up close & personal:
Has your dragonet been disappearing? Often (usually) at night, and occasionally during the day, these fish bury themselves in the substrate - a way to protect their delicate selves while they sleep or their bodies heal. Do not be alarmed. Some species of dragonet are even sand dwellers and almost ‘sifters’. For these reasons, it is important that if considering purchase of a dragonet, you have a fine or soft sand in your aquarium.
We hope you learned from and enjoyed this post! Now below is an idea about some of the little friends (whom are both harmless and beneficial) that you can find in your aquarium!
Trevor the Turtle in his new CUSTOM HOME
I thought this was cute, and appreciated the kind testimonal, so I am sharing it with you. We made a Custom Turtle Tank with a Sunning/Resting Ramp, and a Custom Cabinet made to the clients style and color requirements. She kindly shared this testimonal and pictures.
Hello Ken,
Yes everything has gone really well- it looks great! I am attaching a couple of pics so you can see my turtle (Trevor) enjoying his new digs. Everything turned out exactly as I had imagined- you guys did a great job with the manufacturing of it all. I'm very pleased.
Thanks so much, if I ever need another...I know who I'll be calling!
Have a wonderful day,
Holiday Monday Hours
We are OPEN 12:00 - 5:00 on Holiday MONDAY
Hope to see you there.
And please remember our Pond Fish are Buy 2, get 1 FREE
And all our newly arrived Pond Plants are 10% OFF
We are OPEN 12:00 - 5:00 on Holiday MONDAY
Hope to see you there.
And please remember our Pond Fish are Buy 2, get 1 FREE
And all our newly arrived Pond Plants are 10% OFF
Pond Plant SALE - long weekend Special
This May Long Weekend Only POND PLANTS - 10% OFF
Many Varietes Coming In - Shop this Weekend for the BEST SELECTION
Ponding in the Rain!
As promised, our Pond Plants are available for May Long Weekend! I just got off the phone with the supplier and the delivery truck should be here by 6pm tonight!
We're getting:
Burgundy Taro
Lion King Japanese Iris
Dwarf Papyrus
Varigated Cattail
Lanceleaf Arrowhead
Water Poppy
Pink, Red, White and Yellow Lilies
Water Lettuce
Parrots Feather and Fairy Moss!
Now that the summers here we'll be getting weekly shipments, if there's a specific plant you're looking for let us know and we'll special order it just for you!
We're getting:
Burgundy Taro
Lion King Japanese Iris
Dwarf Papyrus
Varigated Cattail
Lanceleaf Arrowhead
Water Poppy
Pink, Red, White and Yellow Lilies
Water Lettuce
Parrots Feather and Fairy Moss!
Now that the summers here we'll be getting weekly shipments, if there's a specific plant you're looking for let us know and we'll special order it just for you!
When Do I Need to Change My Aquarium Bulbs - Learn Timeline For Changing Your Aquarium Bulb
If my aquarium light bulbs are still working, do I need to change them? The answer is Yes, change your bulbs! As bulbs age, the lighting spectrum shifts from blue to red. Red wavelength light will increase the growth of algae in an aquarium and provides less of the energy corals need to grow.
Why do you need to Change your Aquarium Bulbs:
Even though your bulbs are still turning on and may not look any different to you, rest assured, your aquarium inhabitants can certainly tell the difference. As your bulbs age, they lose their color spectrum and intensity. If you neglect to change them, you will start to witness unwanted algae growth and failing coral, invertebrate, or plant health.
When do you need to Change your Aquarium Bulbs:
Different types of bulbs maintain their spectrum and intensity for various periods of time. Use this timeline as a guide for changing your bulbs.
Normal output fluorescent including NO T5, T8, and T10 - need replacing every 4 to 6 months.
High output fluorescent including HO T5, VHO T5, VHO T12, and Power Compacts - need replacing every 8 to12 months.
Metal Halide Bulbs including Double end and Single end need replacing every 10 to 14 months.
There is a range for the change timeline because of the variances on how long the aquarium bulb may run each day Ie: 8 hours a day, 10 hours a day, etc)
How do you Change your Aquarium Bulbs:
If you have multiple bulbs in your fixture, you should change out old bulbs slowly. Replace a couple bulbs every two weeks until they are all replaced. This is done so that you do not shock the live stock in your tank with the new greater intensity bulbs. You may need to do it over a longer period of time if the live stock are showing stress or if your bulbs were way past due for changing.
It is important to keep up on these important maintenance items in order to keep your aquarium at its best.
Aquarium Illusions can help you learn timeline for changing your aquarium bulbs and other important aquarium advice.
NEW Store Hours and May Long Holiday Hours
We are Now open One Hour Earlier on Sundays To Serve You Better!
We will be open this Weekend
10 AM - 6 PM Saturday
11 AM - 5 PM Sunday
12 PM - 5 PM Holiday Monday
Regular Store Hours
Sunday 11 AM - 5 PM
Monday 10 AM - 6 PM
Tuesday 10 AM - 6 PM
Wednesday 10 AM - 8 PM
Thursday 10 AM - 8 PM
Friday 10 AM - 8 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 6 PM
All the Extra Time You Will Have This Long Weekend Will be a Great Opportunity to Work on Your Pond!
We will be open this Weekend
10 AM - 6 PM Saturday
11 AM - 5 PM Sunday
12 PM - 5 PM Holiday Monday
Regular Store Hours
Sunday 11 AM - 5 PM
Monday 10 AM - 6 PM
Tuesday 10 AM - 6 PM
Wednesday 10 AM - 8 PM
Thursday 10 AM - 8 PM
Friday 10 AM - 8 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 6 PM
All the Extra Time You Will Have This Long Weekend Will be a Great Opportunity to Work on Your Pond!
Setting Up a Saltwater Nano Reef Aquarium - What You Need to Start a Nano
Setting up a Saltwater Nano Reef Aquarium is a great way to take the dive into the hobby without breaking the bank. Experienced hobbyists may setup one as well, just to have a little piece of the ocean that will fit almost anywhere!
Nano Reef tanks work great for housing specialized unique fish, like Sea Horses, Pipe Fish or Pistol Shrimp.
Often these neat creatures will not be successful in your main aquarium
When choosing a Saltwater Nano Reef Aquarium, you may find kits available. However you should be aware of all the components you need so you can tell if the kit you are choosing is a good one. It may be cheaper to piece meal your own kit together.
What you Need to Start a Nano Reef Tank:
Aquarium - A nano tank is normally considered a tank from 10 - 30 US gallons.
Stand - Nano reef tank kits or combo kits usually come with a matching stand. If you put your nano on a desk or counter, make sure it will hold the weight.
Filter - Many kits come with a built in filter, or a hang on or canister filter can be used.
Lighting - The lighting you will need will depend on whether you will be keeping coral or not. It is very important that you purchase bulbs that have the proper spectrum for salt water and the corals you will keep.
Water Flow - Use a power head that can push about 10x your tank volume per hour Ie: 10 Gallon tank =100 gallon per hour power head.
Protein Skimmer - Using a protein skimmer is absolutely recommended but not a necessity. If you do not use a protein skimmer, you will need to do more frequent water changes. However, due to their small size, nano reef tanks are fast and easy to do water changes for.
Heater - Buy a heater that is appropriately sized to your tank. A 50 - 100 Watt heater will work for a nano reef tank that is 10 - 30 US gallons.
Substrate - Aragonite it the perfect substrate for a marine tank, it buffers the water to stabilize the pH and it looks great
Live Rock - Choose live rock that is cured will speed up your cycle process and will add stability to your saltwater nano reef aquarium. Add approximated 1 - 2 lbs per gallon, or the amount that is visually pleasing to you.
Accessories - Refractometer for measuring salinity, salt mix, thermometer, test kits, algae scrubbers, water conditioners, and additives to maintain the essential elements and minerals in your water.
When selecting your Saltwater Nano Reef Aquarium, research the livestock you want to keep so that any special requirements can be met at time of set up. Also, purchase equipment that is good quality so that is will not let you down.
Aquarium Illusions would be glad to give you some pointers on how to assemble a beautiful Saltwater Nano ecosystem!
Huge Live Rock Shipment Just Arrived!
Newly Arrived Products
Fully Stocked on Refractometers!
Fully Stocked on Fauna Marin Additives!
Other HOT Items Back In Stock!
- 1000 Watt Titanium Elements
- 18 Watt Actinic HO T5 Bulbs
- 1 and 2 Litre Kick Ich
- 65 Watt Straight Pin, Daylight, Power Compact Bulbs
Fully Stocked on Fauna Marin Additives!
Other HOT Items Back In Stock!
- 1000 Watt Titanium Elements
- 18 Watt Actinic HO T5 Bulbs
- 1 and 2 Litre Kick Ich
- 65 Watt Straight Pin, Daylight, Power Compact Bulbs
We've having a Garage Sale! - Revised Date!
Join us Saturday and Sunday June 5 and 6th for our ANNUAL BBQ and Garage Sale!
Save big on Gently Used, Discontinued and Clearance Items. Plus we'll have hot dogs and pop and in store specials on everything from fish to frags!
Save big on Gently Used, Discontinued and Clearance Items. Plus we'll have hot dogs and pop and in store specials on everything from fish to frags!
Purchasing a new fish for your aquarium
When purchasing a new fish for your aquarium always do your research. You will want to find out how big the fish will get, if it will be compatible with the fish you already have in your aquarium. Is the fish you want schooling or does it like to be alone, does it like lots of hiding places or lots of swimming room. These are just some of the things you will want to research before purchasing and placing that fish or fishes in your aquarium. Remember always do your research before placing any new addition into your aquarium. Please ask us to help you with your stocking decisions.
DID you KNOW ... that you can make a special appointment with a member of AI Staff to consult with you on a stocking plan for your tank. Just phone Ron or Ken and set up a time to come in.
DID you KNOW ... that you can make a special appointment with a member of AI Staff to consult with you on a stocking plan for your tank. Just phone Ron or Ken and set up a time to come in.
Corals like to Eat Too!
Did you know corals are not only photosynthetic and need more than just light to survive. Also corals feed on different types of food depending on were they come from in the ocean. Corals also feed at different times of day, some feeding in the morning some at midday and also in the evening. When purchasing a new coral for your aquarium do your research and find out what is the best type of food to feed your coral, what time of day does your coral feed, and last but not least how much and how often should you feed. Doing this will ensure that your corals get proper nutrition so they thrive and grow in your aquarium.
H2O and Polyp Lab Products Restocked
H2Ocean Pro Salt Back In Stock!
Both sizes are available 50 Gallon and 150 Gallon Mixes
- Now with new buckets!
$35.99 For the 50 Gal Mix
- $89.99 For the 150 Gal Mix
Polyp Lab Products also Restocked
- Reef Roids - Coral Food
- Medic - Ich Medication for fish
Both sizes are available 50 Gallon and 150 Gallon Mixes
- Now with new buckets!
$35.99 For the 50 Gal Mix
- $89.99 For the 150 Gal Mix
Polyp Lab Products also Restocked
- Reef Roids - Coral Food
- Medic - Ich Medication for fish
Pond Plants!
We're getting asked daily now that the warm weather is back if we carry pond plants, and the answer is yes! Just not yet :(
Edmonton green thumbs know that no matter how beautiful April is, your annuals never get planted before May long weekend and your pond plants are the same. Some species can tolerate our colder nights and the occasional resurgence of frost and snow, but it will slow their growth and potentially stop them from blooming.
Stay tuned to our blog site for updates on when our pond plants will arrive.
Edmonton green thumbs know that no matter how beautiful April is, your annuals never get planted before May long weekend and your pond plants are the same. Some species can tolerate our colder nights and the occasional resurgence of frost and snow, but it will slow their growth and potentially stop them from blooming.
Stay tuned to our blog site for updates on when our pond plants will arrive.
Mother's Day Special!
Flowers and chocolates are so overdone on Mother's Day, why not show Mom how much you care with a new coral or fish? All this Mother's Day Weekend we've got all our instock livestock 15% Off!
We've got new corals, 4 new saltwater fish and invert orders, new freshwater fish and plants! Happy Mother's Day from Aquarium Illusions!
We've got new corals, 4 new saltwater fish and invert orders, new freshwater fish and plants! Happy Mother's Day from Aquarium Illusions!
ORA Fish are here!
Just in from ORA Farms, North America's Premier Supplier of Captive Bred Marine Fish!
Misbar True Percula Clowns
Tank Raised Occelaris Clowns
Black Percula Clowns
Misbar Saddleback Clowns
Goldstripe Maroon Clowns
Orchid Dottybacks
Indigo Dottybacks
Elongate Dottybacks
Yellow Assessors
Green Abalone
Plus a fresh supply of Reefpods!
Misbar True Percula Clowns
Tank Raised Occelaris Clowns
Black Percula Clowns
Misbar Saddleback Clowns
Goldstripe Maroon Clowns
Orchid Dottybacks
Indigo Dottybacks
Elongate Dottybacks
Yellow Assessors
Green Abalone
Plus a fresh supply of Reefpods!
Huge New Fish Shipment!
The boys have been busy unpacking again today! We just recieved:
Lawnmower Blennies
Coral Beauty Angels
Flame Angels
African Flameback Angels
Juv. Imperator Angels
Powder Blue Tangs
Regal Blue Hippo Tangs - Tiny and Mediums
Solarensis Wrasse
Sixline Wrasse
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Clown Gobies
Lyretail Anthias
Kole Tangs
Racoon Butterflies
Copperband Butterflies
Kupang Damsels
Green Chromis
Red Scooter Blennies
Mandarin Gobies
Redhead Jawfish
Royal Grammas
Dwarf Lionfish
Flying Gurnard
Yellow Tangs
Naso Tangs
Flame Scallops
Hawaiian Strawberry Crabs
Scarlet Hermits
Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Sally Lightfoot Crabs
Purpletip Sebae Anemones
Long Tentacle Anemones
Blueleg Hermits
Astrea Snails
Turbo Snails
Nassarius Snails
Lawnmower Blennies
Coral Beauty Angels
Flame Angels
African Flameback Angels
Juv. Imperator Angels
Powder Blue Tangs
Regal Blue Hippo Tangs - Tiny and Mediums
Solarensis Wrasse
Sixline Wrasse
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Clown Gobies
Lyretail Anthias
Kole Tangs
Racoon Butterflies
Copperband Butterflies
Kupang Damsels
Green Chromis
Red Scooter Blennies
Mandarin Gobies
Redhead Jawfish
Royal Grammas
Dwarf Lionfish
Flying Gurnard
Yellow Tangs
Naso Tangs
Flame Scallops
Hawaiian Strawberry Crabs
Scarlet Hermits
Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Sally Lightfoot Crabs
Purpletip Sebae Anemones
Long Tentacle Anemones
Blueleg Hermits
Astrea Snails
Turbo Snails
Nassarius Snails
New Corals are in and ready to go!
Here's a list of what we got in last night!
Duncan coral
Torch coral
Assorted Favia
Acanthastrea hillae
Mixed zoo's; including blues!
Wild Acro's
Australian Spagetti leathers
Green BTA's
Red BTA's
Squamossa clams
Duncan coral
Torch coral
Assorted Favia
Acanthastrea hillae
Mixed zoo's; including blues!
Wild Acro's
Australian Spagetti leathers
Green BTA's
Red BTA's
Squamossa clams
Huge New Selection of Freshwater Plants!
Aquarium Illusions is proud to announce that we are now your local supplier of Freshwater Plants from Aquaflora Nurseries! We've got over 100 new plants in stock! Bacopa, Cardamine, Cryptocoryne, Assorted Swords, Hygrophila, Dwarf Hair Grass and more!
Saltwater Nano Kits by JBJ - Ready Set Go!
We still have a few of the JBJ Nano Kits left in stock and they won't last long!
JBJ 28 Gallon Nano Cube Aquarium HQI
Tank Price - $779.99
Stand Price - $219.99
Combo Price - $869.99
Out of the Box with:
- 150 Watt HQI 14K, and 4 Nite-Vu LED Lighting
- Built in 3 Stage filter Media Basket
- Designated Heater Column
- Protein Skimmer
- Dual Directional Flow Nozzles
- Ocean Pulse wave maker
JBJ 12 Gallon Nano Cube DX Aquarium
Tank Price - $279.99
Stand Price - $119.99
Combo Price - $309.99
Out of the box with:
- Built in 3 Stage Filtration Including pump
- JBJ compact fluorescent Lighting, 2 – 24 Watt 50/50 Bulbs
- Fan Cooled flip top Canopy
All you will need to complete either of these Nano systems is:
- Live Rock
- Aragonite
- Heater
- Salt
- Refracotmeter/Hydrometer
- Dechlorinater
- Test kits
Newly Arrived Products
We are fully stocked on New Life Spectrum fish food!
New from NLS!
- Mega Fish Formula is the new type by New Life Spectrum to compete with Hikari's Massivore Delight. Its a large 10mm pellet that is very hard and does not break down in water. It is made for large predatory fish such as Stingrays, Arowana's, Groupers, large Angels etc...
- Comes in 485 gm and 2240 gm
Other Hot Items Just In and Fully stocked!
- Aquaticlife HO T5 Light fixtures
- Aquaticlife RO/DI Units
- Boyd Chemi Pure Elite
- Hydor Koralia Evolution power heads
- Red Sea Magnesium Test kits
- Red Sea Aptasia X
New Items to Aquarium Illusions
- Two Little Fishies ReVive Coral Cleaner™ is a new product developed by Julian Sprung for cleansing live stony corals. Its formula is based on plant extracts, not iodine. Use for all general purpose live coral dipping, as a part of acclimation to aquariums when corals are first received, for rinsing prior to shipping, and for rinsing newly fragmented corals, such as at coral farming facililities
Two Little Fishies Veggie-Mag Feeding Clip
- Now you can put the food where your fish are with this innovative magnetic seaweed clip. Using the magnetic clip and extension bar you can now move your seaweed feeding clip to any spot you desire in your aquarium. And unlike its suction cup counter parts the powerful magnet will not allow your feeding clip to fall off, be pulled off by your fish or move around undesirably. Magnet is powerful enough to be used on tanks up to 5/8" thick.
Hot Items From Hagen!
- Laguna Power Jet Fountain Kit pumps, 400, 900, and 1400 are Available Now!
- Laguna Pond Nets
- Fluval Hi-Grade Carbon in the Large 1650g containers
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