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You can find out more about the store and see some of the items we have in stock by visiting


What do you feed your fish?

 It is very important to feed your fish a varied diet. If you want to have your fish live a long and healthy life and keep their vibrant colors. The best way to achieve this is feeding your fish an assortment of frozen flake and pellet food . The reason for feeding your fish a varied diet is that one type of food will not contain all the appropriate nutrients for your fish. Mixing up the types of food will ensure that your fish get the proper proteins fats and vitamins so they can live a long happy life in your aquarium. So have fun feeding your fish.


Why you need to DIP your CORALS

Why it is very important for you to dip a newly acquired coral?
 It is very important to dip any coral you receive even if it is coming from your best friends tank and you think there is nothing wrong with the coral. You can inspect the new coral you got all you want and still might not be able to see anything with the naked eye, but that coral could be covered in pests you don’t want in your reef aquarium. You can purchase several different brands of coral dips but 95% of them are iodine based and will not kill off all bad pests on your coral.
In the past few months there has been a few new coral dips available that will kill off all coral pests. A couple of these products are coral RX made by coral RX and Revive coral dip made by Two little Fishes both work very well. It is not recommended to dip any coral in fresh water due to the stress it causes to the coral. Also when you purchase your coral dip always read and follow the directions as this is very important.

- Coral Rx was developed to treat corals suffering with parasites, and as a prophylactic measure to promote healthy corals before parasites or bacterial infections become harmful. Coral Rx is tough on parasites, yet gentle on your coral (contains no iodine or oxidizers) allowing you to be proactive in protecting your investment

New stock of Seachem Additives just in!

New products to Aquarium Illusions –
Brightwell Vitamarin – C
- Highly concentrated vitamin C solution, buffered to not impact pH when used as directed
- Vitamin C is associated with improved tissue growth and with aiding the immune system

Coral RX – Coral Dip
- Coral Rx was developed to treat corals suffering with parasites, and as a prophylactic measure to promote healthy corals before parasites or bacterial infections become harmful. Coral Rx is tough on parasites, yet gentle on your coral (contains no iodine or oxidizers) allowing you to be proactive in protecting your investment

Fish & Inverts - Ready for SALE

Reef safe Fish:

Starry blenny
Bangai cardinal
Tiger goby
Yellow target mandarin goby
Green mandarin goby
Blue spot jaw fish
Orange linkia starfish
White sand sifting starfish
Feather duster
Pink sea urchin
Sally light foot crab
Emerald crab
Blue leg reef hermit crab
Red leg reef hermit crab
Coral banded shrimp
Anemone crab
Peppermint shrimp
Fire shrimp
Blue coral banded shrimp
Cleaner shrimp
Nassarius sand snail
Tiger turbo snail
Blue spot sea hare (great for hair algae)
Zebra stripe turbo snail

We've expanded our selection of Octopus Skimmers!

We've now got the PS-1000 and 2000 Internals in stock!  Plus a fresh supply of OCTX-160 skimmers!  Our last shipment sold out in days, so if you're looking for a compact, cost effective skimmer that produces huge results you need to hurry down!
We've also brought in Octopus' HY-5000w and HY-2000w Water Blaster Pumps!

Japanese Koi are Here!

We've had tonnes of people asking for "Nice" koi, so we brought in our first order of Choice Grade Japanese Koi early!
We've got 4-6" standards, 4-6" butterflies and 8-10" standards!
Over 70 to choose from, everything from Yamabuki Ogons, to Kohaku, Kujaku, Gin Rin and Doitsu!
We can also special order koi if there's a specific pattern or size you're after!  Contact Ron at the store at 780.483-7027.

Pictures of Corals In Stock Now


Huge New Coral Shipment Arrived April 23!

Super Green Torchs
Metallic Green Hammers

Green Finger Leathers
Metallic Green Elegance
Orange Plate Corals
Pink Heliofungia
Neon Bubble Corals
Orange Acanthastrea
Red and Green Brain Corals
Metallic Blue Mushrooms
Metallic Green Cynarina
Green Branching Octospawn
Metallic Red Symphyllia
Red Flowerpots
Metallic Green Flowerpots
Yellow Toadstools
Metallic Multicoloured Blastomussa
Green Clove Polyp
Metallic Blue Zoo
Ultra Red Rose Bubbletip Anemones
Green Bubbletip Anemones
Purple Long Tentacle Anemone
Red Long Tentacle Anemone (Super Rare)
Pulsing Xenia

Over 170 New Pieces to choose from!


Info on Finding a Leak in Your Pond

Things happen over the winter and if you think you might have a pond leak, check out this article on some helpful tips on finding the leak quickly.
For more advice, please feel free to contact Randy at the store.

Article on Barley Straw for Algae Control

Pond Liner is in now

Hey all you pond people out there.  Heads up .... we have in our Pond Liner in now.
Plus, we have in a full selection of Start Up Water Additives and Algae Controls to get your
pond going early.
Start enjoying now ....


Anemones – Adapting to their new home in your aquarium

Anemones are a great animal to keep in a home aquarium. They are fascinating creatures but sometimes exhibit strange behaviors. Anemones will move around the aquarium on their own to find a suitable place to host. They are looking for comfortable lighting, as well as flow. 
Rock dwelling anemones (like bubble tips) are also searching for a nice hole to set their foot in, to feel protected. Same with sand dwelling anemones (like carpets) will “wander” looking for the best place. Sometimes in their travels they may not find the best place to “set up camp” and you may find you anemone hanging out under a rock or in the dark. 
It is best for your anemone to find its own place but if it is hiding out for more than a day or two, you will need to move it so it can get some light. If one is kept in the darker areas for too long it misses out of a lot of food and will wither and possibly die. Most anemones are easily kept and with the right care will thrive!

New Live Coral Foods!

Just arrived! Aquarium Illusions is pleased to announce that we are now carrying Reef Culture Live Aquarium Foods!

Live Nannochloropsus, Tetraselmis and Rotifers grown right here in Canada! Available in 250ml and 500ml sizes!

Over the next few weeks we’ll be expanding to include Rotifer Eggs and Food for everyone that wants to culture their own, plus White Worm and Micro Worm Cultures! Stay tuned to our Blog for when they arrive!


Don't forget today is Member's Day!

Today is Member's Day for all Aquarium Illusions Club Members!  Save 15% on all regularly priced in stock items all day today!



Fully Stocked on ATI T5 HO Bulbs

AI Now has Vortec MP10 and MP40W Eco Smart Powerheads
-      Updates to the New Vortec Eco Smart Driver include;
-      Increased wireless communication range
-      More wave settings
-      Power Button

Fully Stocked on New Life Spectrum Fish Food

New from NLS
-      Reef Micro Feeder Formula Coral Food

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FISH and INVERTS - Arrival April 8

Powder Blue Tangs
Kole Tangs
Regal Blue Tangs
Coral Beauty Angels
Flame Angels
Copperband Butterflies
Racoon Butterflies
Yellow Watchman Gobies
Tiger Wardi Gobies
Purple Firefish
Tailspot Blennies
Red Scooter Blennies
Bicolour Blennies
Lawnmower Blennies
Greenspot Mandarins
Psychedelic Mandarins
Green Chromis
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Sixline Wrasse
Solarensis Wrasse

(All Fish Above are Reef Safe, except for Racoon, he would be Reef with Caution)

Emerald Crabs
Sally Lightfoot Crabs
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Bluespot Seahare
Tiger Turbo Snails
Orange Linkia Stars
Fromia Stars
Feather Dusters



Yes, it is Pond Season!  I had to giggle to myself, I am sitting on my couch writing the MORE POND SUPPLIES NOW IN, I look up and it is snowing!! LOL  Don't worry .... it's just a temporary reminder of what we made it through over the last few months.  But, Pond Supplies will let you know all that you have to look forward to.  LOL Have a nice night folks!

JBJ 28 and 12 REEF Nano Kits

Just thought I should mention, that these Nano Units are ready to go for Reef set ups.  The 28 has a built in Filter & Skimmer, the 12 has a built in Filter.
Not to mention, both Models have fantastic reef lighting.
Limited numbers in stock - Come see us today.

Pond Season - More Products In Stock Now

We have it all folks, filtration, liner, water treatments for spring startup & throughout the season, accessory equipment, lighting, etc..   Come on Down and we will help you out and answer your questions.  Remember you can get a FREE one on one consultation with Randy of Pond Pros.

Savio Waterfall Filters
Savio Skimmer Filters
Savio Compact Skimmer Filters
Savio 16” Waterfall Weirs
Savio 26w Internal UV Sterilizers

Scottish Barley Bales
Microbe Lift PL Bacterial Additive in 1 quart and 1 gallon sizes
Microbe Lift BioBlue Pond Dye
Interpet Pond Balance Bacteria and Enzyme Treatment
EPDM Repair Kits


Down at the Store ...

Red Sea Horses swimming around (slowly of course)

Down at the Store ...

Yellow Sea Horses Video

Down at the Store ....

Video of a Porcelain Crab playing in a Purple Carpet Anemone

More Stock Coming In Tomorrow .... will keep you posted.

Anenomes In Stock - And a Porcelain Crab hiding out with a Purple Anenome

Pictures of Some of the Fish we got in - They won't hold still for pictures!!


CHECK OUT the SEA HORSES - In now and doing Great!

Sri Lanka Fish In Now

Reef safe:
Purple tang
Powder blue tang
Yellow eye tang
Regal tang
Black percula clown
Blonde Naso tang
Bicolor blenny
Blue star leopard wrasse
Black marble wrasse
Evansii anthias
Despar anthias
Bimaculatus anthias(very rare beautiful colored fish)
Lyretail anthias- male
Lyretail anthias-female
Midas blenny
Lader glider sand sifting goby
Tiger sand sifting goby
Requires special care or tank requirements:
Bright red seahorse
Brilliant orange seahorse
Yellow seahorse
Cleaner shrimp
Fire shrimp
Tube worm assorted colors
Blue carpet anemone
Florescent green carpet anemone
Not reef safe:
Raccoon butterfly



We have received two dry goods shipments today!
-Restock of the Fluval G6 Filter
-Plus NEW-JBJ Nano Cube Aquariums and  Submariner UV Sterilizers
JBJ 28 Gallon Nano Cube HQI Aquarium
          - Quick Specs; Tank Volume: 25gal Tank Dimensions: 18" x 22" x 22" Lift: 1.5 M Glass Thickness: 6mm Accela Pumps (2): 266gph/16W Cooling Fans (4): 3000rpm/Ball Bearing Type Ballast: Remote magnetic/UL recognized component with quick disconnect Lighting: (1) 150W Double-Ended HQI/Kelvin: 14000K LEDs (4): Nite-Vu LED with separate power cord Optional Stand: 18" x 22" x 32" with vented chiller storage compartment
JBJ 12 Gallon Nano Cube
          -Quick Specs; Dimensions: 15.8" (L) x 13.8" (W) x 14.8" (H) Capacity: 12 gallons Power Supply: AC110V-60Hz Pump (included): 106 GPH Lift: 0.8m Lighting: (2) 24 Watt 50/50 CF Lamp + Remote Ballast, (2) Nite Vu LED Moonlights Includes M.S.S. (Modular Surface Skimmer)  We currently have stock of both sizes of tanks and stands!  SEE PICTURES BELOW

Check out our NEW:
-JBJ 9 Watt In-Tank Submariner UV Sterilizer/Clarifier
-JBJ 13 Watt In-Tank Submariner UV Sterilizer/Clarifier