Visit Our Store Website Too!

You can find out more about the store and see some of the items we have in stock by visiting


Old Wives Tales

Tap water is safe for fish if you leave it out overnight – NOT!  While this used to be true in some areas of the country, it has long since become a thing of tails.  Years ago most municipalities used chlorine to sterilize their drinking water.  Chlorine forms a weak bond with water and will dissipate in about 24 hours, especially if the water is moving.  That’s why our drinking water is now treated with chloramines; chlorine bonded with ammonia.  Chloramine will stay in water for 34 days, keeping our supply of drinking water safe for much longer and at a lower cost.  Like chlorine, chloramines are highly toxic to fish, corals and inverts.  The only way to ensure tap water is safe for fish is to use a commercial dechlorinator with a sodium thiosulfate base.
Note:  Some dechlorinators can interrupt the effectiveness of your protein skimmer.  Seachem Prime does not effect protein skimmers at all, so is the best choice if you have a saltwater tank.  Also, during spring run off, the water treatment plants put more treatments in the water, so it is recommended to use a stronger dechlorinator dose when dechlorinating the tap water.

Check out the Video of an Arrow Crab eating a Bristle Worm

Notice: Easter Weekend Hours

Happy Easter Everyone, Our Holiday Weekend hours are:

Good Friday - 12-5
Saturday 10-6
Easter Sunday 12-5
Easter Monday 12-5

Bristle Worm Gets Eaten for Lunch

It is totally normal to have a few Bristle Worms in your tank.  They will not your harm tank when they are low in numbers. But if you notice them climbing out of your rock in droves, everytime you feed ... then you have a Bristle Worm problem.
An over population of Bristle worms can be a problem in a reef aquarium, because they may start picking at your corals as they look for more food sources.
There is not many Bristle Worm Predators that you can add to your aquarium that are reef safe.  Not many other critters want to eat bristle worms.  Except for ... the Arrow crab. 
Arrow Crabs love to eat bristle worms and it is even funny to watch.  They have pinchers for hands and they hold on with one hand and eat with the other.
Arrow Crabs are generally reef safe because they are too slow to catch other fish or inverts.  They also don't have big and powerful claws like other crabs do.  They have little weak claws, suitable to catching and eating slow moving worms.

Upcoming Shipments

Just to give you Heads Up, on Thursday we are getting Corals and Cebu Island Invertebrates.



Do you have questions about your existing Pond?  Do you want to build a Pond but aren't sure where to start?
Whatever your situation ... We can help!
Did you know that Aquarium Illusions also owns a company called Pond Pros?  Randy Cameron used to design and install ponds for 6 years. He constructed projects ranging from indoor ponds, waterwalls, backyard ponds of all sizes, and commercial golf course size ponds. 
He would still be doing it but he had a knee replacement and the doctor said "no more hauling rocks". But, Randy loves ponds and talking ponds.
He is offering FREE POND CONSULTATIONS and will share his wealth of knowledge with you for free. This is by appointment only, and due to time constraints we are limiting this service to those who will be constructing or renovating their ponds this season. The consultations will be held at Aquarium Illusions.
Please call Randy to make your appointment. We have a questionnaire we'd like to email you beforehand.
Call Randy at the store 780-483-7027, or toll free 1-800-559-6546 (If he isn't in, please leave a message and Randy will call you back to arrange a suitable appointment time)

Sampling of Corals for Sale

Around the Store

Chris supervising the acclimation of invertebrates to the new invertebrate system.

Randy releasing critters

Old Wives Tales

Fish only grow to the size of their aquarium – NOT!  The size of your aquarium will influence the growth of your new pets, but it won’t stop them.  Fish will grow to the level that their surroundings allow; how clean the water is, the amount of available food and the oxygen level of the water are the key components to how big your fish grow.  The oxygen level will deplete faster and the waste will build up quicker in a small aquarium; especially with larger fish, leading to potentially hazardous conditions for your fish.  The chronic lack of oxygen and higher waste levels will weaken your fishes immune system, impair its ability to grow and greatly reduce its lifespan.
When you come down to buy a new fish always ask how big it should get and if your aquarium is sized properly for it; and try not to be upset if we say “No”, we’re only doing it to protect the fish and make sure you don’t run into problems down the road.


Ron and Ileana Working the Booth (Hall E, booth 140)

Just look at those fine people

Home Show Special

Nano Reef Kits - only $199.99  Comes with Stand, Tank, T5 Lighting, Filter. Make an awesome display.

Home & Garden Show

If you are going to the Home Show this weekend, be sure to stop by and bug Ron at our booth.
Hall E, Booth 140.

New SW Fish & Invert Shipment - Arrived Yesterday

Reef Safe
Whipfin fairy wrasse
Starry blenny
Banner cardinal
Yellow tang
Fox face
Yellow watchman goby
Yasa hashe goby 
Twin spot goby
Tiger goby
Green chromis
Scooter blenny
Blue spot jawfish
Dragon goby
Clown fairy wrasse

Reef Safe with caution
Rainbow wrasse
Flame angel
Copper banded butterfly
Purple tile goby
Five bar mystery wrasse
Tiger jawfish
Royal gramma
Not Reef Safe
Raccoon butterfly

Lawnmower blenny
Emerald crab
Red leg hermit crab
Blue leg hermit crab
Cleaner shrimp
Fire shrimp
Peppermint shrimp
Pistol shrimp
Zebra stripe turbo snail
Tiger turbo snail
Nassarius snail (great sand sifter)
Mexican turbo snail
Orange linkia starfish
Red/pink tile starfish
Sally light foot crab 


Skimmer Info

Do you need to choose a Skimmer, or Do you want to upgrade your old Skimmer?

When choosing a Protein Skimmer for your aquarium, there are a couple things you have to consider first.
#1 - Pick an appropriate skimmer for your tank volume based on bio-load and system volume.  You don't want a skimmer too small for your system
#2 - Decide whether it is going to be a hang on type, recirculation or an in-sump skimmer.  Make sure you choose an in-sump style that your have the room and proper sump depth for (some skimmers require a specific water depth to work the best).
We have lots of all styles to choose from, we also have some in 'demo' mode.  We are here to help answer your questions ...


Another tipster

Introducing Tangs .. Goes something like this ... Hello, I am Yellow Tang ... Hello, I am Regal Tang, but call me Blue, So nice to meet you!       OK, it's not always this pleasant ... Read on .....

When introducing different tangs to one another (providing the aquarium is large enough for multiples) it is always a good idea to introduce them after the lights are out to help eliminate stress from the resident tang.  As a general rule, it is best to add tangs from different families (E.g. Zebrasoma, Acanthurus, Naso, etc) so fighting over territories is minimized.  Some individuals can be overly aggressive and may need some extra work.  Rearranging the rock work in the aquarium sometimes makes the aggressor thing territories have changed allowing the new tang to claim some of his own.


Club Membership has it's privileges

Did you know that for just $10.00 per year, you can join Aquarium Illusions Membership Club.
Benefits are:
1.  Save 3%  instantly on your purchases everytime you shop (on reg priced cash & carry items)
2.  No card to carry, no points to collect, with our club you save instantly
3.  Get 15% Off all regular priced items on 2nd Wednesday of each month
4.  Get Boxing Day prices 1 week before Christmas (Club Members only)
5.  Get emailed our Special promotions for Club Members

Ask to Join next time you are in.  Our Members love it!

Home & Garden Show

Come visit us at the Home & Garden Show this weekend.  We are in Hall E, Booth 140.  Want a $3.00 off admission, just call Ron at the store.

Notice: We will be closing at 4:00 today (Mar 22) due to new Network System being installed


Why does Bacteria get a bad rap?

When you hear the word Bacteria, you think gross!  But bacteria in an aquarium is essential.  That is the healthy beneficial bacteria that helps to break down waste and keep a stable environment.  When you are setting up an aquarium, we highly recommend that you 'jump start' the healthy bacteria colonization by adding 'Stability' the water additive by Seachem.  The stuff works great and is very concentrated so it goes a long way.
If you have a pond, please ask us about healthy jump start bacteria that works in colder water.
Stability .... the Danactive of the Aquarium World.

Healthy, Cute and FAT

We have the cutest fattest Mandarin Gobies in right now. I think they may have been hiding out in our invert bank because they are fat as little pigs. We have 2 left. They are my personal favourite. You need to have a tank over 12 months mature though, because they need lots of snacking material on your rock. This is what a Mandarin Goby looks like, but ours are about double this size.


AI will be serving up Strawberry Shortcake

News Flash ... AI is the only store in Canada to have the rare Strawberry Shortcake Acropora.  We will be creating frags that will be ready for sale in approx. 2 weeks.  We will keep you posted.  Due to limited quantities there will be a limit of 2 per customer.  If you want 1 and do not want to miss out, come down to the store and we can put you on a wait list.  Here are pictures of our colonies.


A Secret ... you can tell others

When choosing an anenome for your tank, make sure you pick an appropriate anenome suited to your tank conditions.  Proper lighting, space, water flow, tank mates, and even species of clown fish hosts are all important factors to consider.  These animals have special requirements that need to be met for their long term survival in your tank.  Also, ask AI staff about feeding requirements of your anenome.

Nothing is sweeter to watch, than a couple of clowns in an anenome.

Some of the Corals we got in today, include ...

Cultured Torchs
Scrolling Hammers
Red Carpet Anemone
Wild Acro’s
Wild Monti’s

New Saltwater Fish & Inverts in Tonight

Reef Safe
Green Chromis
Purple Fire Fish
Sleeper Gobies
Bluesided Fairy Wrasse
Sunburst Anthias
Lyretail Anthias
Greenspot Mandarin Fish
Regal Blue Tangs
Copperband Butterflies
Naso Tangs
Fox Face
Cleaner Wrasse
Yellow Watchmen Gobies
Reefsafe with Caution
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Coral Beauty Angels
Fire Cleaner Shrimp
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Haddoni Anemones


Happy St. Patrick's Day All

Remember our St. Patricks Day Sale TODAY ONLY ...
90 gal tanks w/glass lids only 209.99
H2O Ocean Salt only 69.99 per pail
Invertebrates all 15% OFF
See ... the Luck of the Irish is with you today!

Do you know how to tell Spring is officially here? ....

Aquarium Illusions Pond Supplies arrive!! Yip Yeeeee
Stay tuned for details.

Tip of the day

All Clams until they are 3-4" in length are filter feeders, so they need to be fed Phytoplankton or Ultra Clam by Fuana Marin.  When they are 4" and larger they are more dependent on light.


Live Rock Pictures - On Sale only $6.75 lb

Rock now Seasoned, and only 6.75 per lb (cash & carry) Sale ends March 31st. Lots of growth on it, interesting textures and shapes

COME IN - Ask the question - and Get a FREE GIFT

COME IN - Ask the question - and Get a FREE GIFT
(Ask this question when you are in the store and get a Free Gift, retail value $19.99)
(Until end of March or until quantities last)

Tip of the Day

Protein skimmer not working up to snuff? The venturi (air intake) fitting on protein skimmers can easily become clogged with salt or mineral deposits. If you notice your skimmer is suddenly producing more water than foam, then most likely your venturi is clogged. Use a thin piece of wire, a toothpick or small brush to clean out the fitting and it should run as good as new! For really tough mineral deposits, a quick soak in a 10% vinegar/water solution will loosen it up!

St. Patrick's Day Sale - 1 Day Only

In the spirit of St. Patties Day, we are having a 1 day sale.
90 Gal Tanks with Glass Lids $209.99
H20 Ocean Pro Salt $69.99/pail
Invertebrates - all 15% OFF


A Tip, A Reminder ... for you

Have you changed your aquarium light bulbs recently? Many people forget to change their aquarium light bulbs on schedule. This is very important for all the living corals, fish and inverts in your aquarium so they can stay healthy in your aquarium and not just survive, but thrive!. Changing your bulbs will ensure that your aquarium inhabitants get the proper light spectrum for optimal growth and health. It will also help prevent those nuisance algae blooms that can happen in your aquarium from forgetting to change the aquarium lights on schedule. Fluorescent lights should be changed every eight to twelve months and metal halides every twelve to fourteen months. Keep in mind that this is based on having an eight to twelve hour light cycle. Do you remember when your light bulbs were last changed?

Saltwater Fish & Inverts coming in Tuesday

Here is what we are getting in tomorrow:
Porcelain Crabs
Peppermint Shrimps
Giant Anenomes
Arrow Crabs
Scarlet Reef Hermits
Flame Scallops
Turbo Snails
Lettuce Nudibranch
Dusky Jawfish
Eel Goby (Orange Brotula)
Queen Angel
Rock Beauty
Royal Gramma
Spanish Hogfish
Pearly Yellowhead Jawfish
Flame Cardinal
Mangrove Pods (Rhisophora mangle)


4 New Fish Quarantine Systems Going In

Did you know?  That we are adding 4 more Independently Plumbed & Filtered Systems to our Fish Quarantine Facility.  We will know be able to get more fish shipments through our 2 week quarantine period and keep the 'ready for homes' tanks fuller with selections for you.  We know have 11 independent quarantine systems! 

Here is a picture of some of the racking we are moving around and getting ready for the new tanks to be placed & plumbed.  This should be all up & running by next weekend.

Strongly believes, that taking the extra measure to quarantine our fish before we sell them to you, is the absolute best thing we can do for our customers, and the fish we sell.
It is the most responsible thing to do
and we truely hope our clients see the value in us doing so.  We appreciate your business and we want to do what is best for everyone.

Removal of Existing Invert System in Preparation for new tanks getting placed today


All new tanks, new piping, etc.


Whatz Up Now?

The guys are busy as little beavers ripping out our old Invertebrate System and replacing it with brand new tanks.  This new system is going to allow us to carry more stock with better separation of species.  Should be up and rolling full force by Tuesday.

Need Room for Pond Supplies - Must Clear out some Aquariums

The TANK SALES for March - Below Cost (better than Boxing Day Pricing)
150 gal RR’s Reg $872.99   now $600
45 gal box tanks Reg 139.99   now $55
Oceanic Bowfront Tanks and Stands 20% off
Limited Quantities

COME IN - Ask the question - and Get a FREE GIFT

(Ask this question when you are in the store and get a Free Gift, retail value $19.99)
(Until end of March or until quantities last)

Tip of the Day

“When is my tank ready for fish?”
      So when can I have fish?  Your tank will tell you!  The only real way to know your aquarium is ready for its first new inhabitants is testing.  Every tank will progress through its bacterial cycle at its own pace.  Test your aquarium every two days for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.  Each one will spike, then slowly return to normal; once you’ve reached zero on each test, its time for your new pet.  Regular water testing will ensure you always know your new pets are healthy and safe!


RELEASED FROM QUARANTINE ON MARCH 9TH ....and they are looking for new accomodations.

Coral Beauty Angel
Flame Angel
Royal Gramma
Lawnmower Blenny
Scooter Blenny
Raccoon Butterfly
Bangaii Cardinal
Dragon Goby
Purple Firefish
Mandarin Dragonet
Sleeper Goby
Twin Spot Goby
Bluespot jawfish
Foxface Rabbitfish
Naso Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Yellow Tang
Fairy Wrasse
Leopard Wrasse
Potters Wrasse
Yellow Coris Wrasse
NEW - Big Shot Measuring Glass
General Purpose measuring pint glass.
Graduation measurements include teaspoon, tablespoon, ounces, and milliliters.
Great for dosing or feeding!
OR ... Could be a Beer Glass! LOL

NEWS ... Letting you know WHATZ UP

These New Products will be in next weekend (March 20th)

Super Reef Octopus LX 1000 Hang on Back Skimmer – Rated to 100 gal, we’re the first and only store in Western Canada to get these.
Octopus 4” Calcium Reactors
Reeflux 150w DE 12k and 20k bulbs
Reeflux 250w DE 12k and 20k bulbs


Tip of the Day for March 10th


When choosing the amount of a species of Clownfish to add, remember, "Any number but 3."  Clownfish are perfectly fine kept singly.  When adding two they will pair off to a male and female.  3 is bad, the 2 that pair off will likely single out and eliminate the 3rd wheel.  Four or more, will form a school with the male/female pair taking a leadership role.

Moral to this story ..... don't believe what you see in the movies ... Nemo isn't as nice as he seems on the big screen! LOL


FYI - Heads Up on What went on Sale & What is coming up This Week

Cause we want you in the loop ...........

We are supposed to be getting a CORAL order on Thursday. I’ll get you the info to you all as soon as get the list.

ORA FISH should arrive on Thrusday too.  Misbar percula clowns, Gold Stripe Maroons, Clarkii and Australian clowns.  Yellow Canary blennies, sharknose gobies, yellow line gobies (another cleaner species), elongate dottybacks, orchid dottybacks and fresh copepods.

We also we have 2 Oceanic BOWFRONT TANKS and stands on sale today.  25% off.  One Reef Ready with stainless steel stand and one standard with cherry stand

FOOD - Yummy

FYI - We have new shipments IN NOW of the following food:

SFB Frozen Cubes
New Life Spectrum Food Shipment

CHECK OUT the Documentation of the Koralia Pumps

Just Click Below to see interesting specs & stuff .......

ADVCoral_KoraliaHydor_half island.pdf
1765K   View   Download  

1127K   View   Download

New Heaters In:

Hydor Theo Glass Heaters
    - Shatterproof Glass reduces breakage
    - Suctions Cups Included
    - Self Limiting PTC patented thermal technology making it one of the safest heater lines

New Dry Goods In

We have in the following new items:Koralia Evolution -  Powerhead, very efficient, smaller than previous versions, Shaft less impeller, and can be connected to a wave controller


Aquarium Illusions Quarantines our fish for 2 weeks prior to releasing them to the 'ready for home' tanks at the front of the store.  We operated a 'true' quarantine which means each individual shipment is acclimated too, and held in an independent system for the duration of the quarantine period.  We do this because we want to provide our customers with the healthiest fish possible.  It is the best thing for the fish too!!

Here is the list of the fish types that are ready for homes:

Philippian Fish
Bellus Angel
Coral Beauty
Lyretail Anthias
Sunburst Andthias
Tiger Anthias
Lawnmower Blenny
Copperband butterfly
Garden Eel
Bullet goby
Mandarin Dragonets
Yellow watchman Goby
Zebra Bar Goby
Naso Tang
Powder Brown Tang
Regal Tang
Ruby Head Wrasse


Important Information regarding Tuesday March 8th

Hi Friends,
Just want to let you know that we are closing at 5:00 on Tuesday, March 8th for a staff meeting (1 hour early).
This is only a one time change for Tuesday the 8th.  Thanks so much.

Tip of the Day

When considering a Clownfish for your marine tank, it is best
to keep the same species of clowns together when adding more
than one.  Mixing different species of clowns together may cause
aggression towards each other.



ONLY $6.75 / lb   (until end of March, 2010)
Cash & Carry Only (no holds please)



Hi All,
We Have TONS of Live Rock in, so if you need some come on down.  We have Fiji and Branch.
It is also on SALE!!!! (for a limited time)
Check in store for details.

Winner of the $25.00 In Store Credit

Following the AI Blog pays off!

Frags in Stock Now

CHECK OUT THE FRAGS WE HAVE READY FOR YOU, Plus the Marshall Island Hybrid Clams.

We literally have 100's of frags .... too many to post here, please come down and see the huge selection.